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Name Hiroyuki Kawashima
Position Associate Professor
Department Laboratory of International Environmental Economics, Department of Global Agricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Tokyo
Professional Experience & Education 1998: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Tokyo

1989: Chief Researcher, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Science, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

1983: Research Assistant, Institute of Industrial Sciences, the University of Tokyo

1983: Drop out of Doctoral Course, Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo

1980: M.S., Department of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo

1977: B.S., Department of Marine Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Fisheries, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Phone +81 3 5841 7534
Email akawashi@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp


Developmental Economics, Environmental Economics

Research interests

■ Research Interests
I am conducting research into forecasts into global food supply and demand under global restrictions for resources and the environment, development strategies for developing countries, and the approach to developmental cooperation. For example, I am conducting analyses of simulations using system models for the issue of water pollution, and research into forecasting changes in food production using remote sensing technology. I am analyzing the impact of global warming on the world's agriculture and forestry industries using the development of global food and agriculture industry models employing remote sensing analysis, and creating of models and forecasts of the environmental burden based on agriculture and food consumption.

■ Study Example
-Forecasts of NOx and Sox emission volume due to the population concentration in cities / Yunnan Province, China
-Forecasting NOx emission volume by industry sector
The significant increase in emission volumes from industries was predicted. In particular, it is an urgent task to formulate measures for improving energy efficiency and exhaust gas restrictions in industrial sectors.

■ Primary Papers
Morita, S., Araki, T. and Sagara, Y. 2006. A consideration of impact evaluation methodology at the sector level - a case study using donors' assistance projects in primary and secondary education in Indonesia since 1990. The Japanese Journal of Evaluation Studies, 6, 85-100.

Araki, T. 2005. Possibilities and limitations in networking NGOs in Indonesia. Nonprofit Review, 5, 93-102. (in Japanese)

Araki, T., Sagara, Y., Kamaruddin A. and Tambunan, A. H. 2001. Transport properties of cellular food materials undergoing freeze-drying. Drying Technology, 19, 297-312.

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