農学国際専攻 東京大学 大学院農学生命科学研究科 目的別に探す
人類の安全で豊かな社会造り、 それが私達の使命です。
理念・ビジョン スタッフの紹介 学生の方へ イベントについて OBの方へ
東京大学 大学院農学生命科学研究科


■ 修士課程 (2016、2015年度の例)

3910101 国際水産開発学総論
■ 授業の目標・概要
Basic knowledge on fishery economics will be reviewed through lectures using the English textbook (Bjorndal and Munro, 2012). The lecture also covers the present issues on global fisheries, in particular works on FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).
■ 授業のキーワード
The key word includes world fishery productions, supply and demand of fish, economic efficiency of the production, maximum sustainable yields in fishery, discount rates, present values and economic incentives for fishery management

3910102 国際水産開発学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
Present issues on global fisheries, in particular allocation problems of marine living resources in the world and some conflicts among the nations, will be reviewed through lectures. Class discussion on case studies will be planned, and students are expected to participate to the debate. Examples of the topics of the class are as follows (not all the topics are necessarily covered): (1) International conflict on resource management and allocation of fish, (2) Discussions concerning marine protect area, (3) Problems in fisheries management in the world, and (4) TPP, FTA, WTO and fisheries.
■ 授業のキーワード
Biological diversity in the ocean, Fair and equitable distribution of the cost and benefits from the ocean, International trade in fishery products, Marine resource conservation, international collaboration

3910103 国際水産開発学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910104  国際動物資源開発学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
Infectious diseases, internet, pathogen, differential diagnosis, prevention

3910105  国際動物機能開発学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
With an example how immune system acquires its variation, parasite-host relationship will be discussed

3910106 国際動物資源学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910107 国際動物生産学実験
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910108  国際植物資源学
■ 授業の目標・概要
The soaring food prices in 2007-2008 caused serious social unrest due to food shortages in various parts of the world. Under the threatening concerns of climate change and the deterioration of the production basis, the sustainable and stable food supply is a globally important issue. The purposes of this course are to increase the understandings of the various challenges of food production at various spatial scales and to deepening insights into the future food production. 
■ 授業のキーワード
Food security, Developing country, Dietary transition, Demographic change

3910109  植物資源管理学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
Sustainable agriculture

3910110  国際植物資源学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
Seminar in Plant Science for Sustainable Agriculture

3910111  地域資源利用システム学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910112  国際植物材料学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910113 国際植物材料学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910114  植物新機能化学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
植物栄養学、植物分子生理学、植物バイオテクノロ ジー

3910115  植物機能開発工学
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910116 新機能植物開発学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910117 国際植物生産学実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
Research in Global Plant Production Sciences

3910120 国際森林環境学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード


3910121 地球生物環境学実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード


3910122 国際環境評価学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910123 国際環境管理学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910124 国際環境経済学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910125 国際環境経済学研究
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910126 国際環境資源情報学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
ICT(Information and Communication Technology)が急激に世の中に浸透してきている。しかしながら、農業分野における応用は未開拓である。本講義では、国際、環境、資源管理にかかわるICT利用のための基礎と応用について講義する。
■ 授業のキーワード

3910127 国際情報農学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
ICT(Information and Communication Technology)が急激に世の中に浸透してきているが、不思議なことに農業分野における応用は未開拓である。本講義では、ICT農学の基礎と応用について講義する。
■ 授業のキーワード

3910128 国際情報農学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910129 国際情報農学実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910131 農学国際特論 II
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910132 農学国際特論 III
■ 授業の目標・概要
アジアの食料、農業および環境問題の現状と解決策に ついて、俯瞰的な視野を持つとともに、ローカルな現場のリアリティに立脚して検討できるような複眼的な視点を養う。
To acquire multiple viewpoints for tackling the problems of agriculture and environment against the reality at the local as well as global scales.
■ 授業のキーワード

3910133 農学国際演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910134 農学国際実験・研究
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910135 農学国際実地研究 I
■ 授業の目標・概要
The student will carry out field works linked with Master's research. (More than or equal to 10 consecutive days should be spent oversees. Overseas trip for attending the conference is not counted as this course.)
■ 授業のキーワード

3910139  国際森林資源学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
Learning GNSS(GPS) positioning theory and its accuracy through lecture and field excercises. A short lecture on theory of remote sensing and introduction on several research results of forest resource mapping will also be given.
■ 授業のキーワード
GNSS, GPS positioning method, remote sensing of forest resources

3910140  国際森林環境学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
GNSS、GPS、ジオタグ付き写真、位置情報、 フィールドワークマップ

3910141  農学国際特論I
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
Issue orientation, Transdisciplinarity, Global scope

3910142  国際農業開発学演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
Experiments in Agricultural Development Studies (MSc research at the Laboratory of Agricultural Development Studies (Okada's labo))
■ 授業のキーワード
MSc thesis, MSc research

3910143  国際農業開発学実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
Experiments in Agricultural Development Studies (MSc research at the Laboratory of Agricultural Development Studies (Okada's labo))
■ 授業のキーワード
MSc thesis, MSc research

3910144  国際農学英語 I
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
Communication in English

3910145  国際農学英語 II
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード
English writing for academic purpose

3910146  海外研究協力論
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

■ 博士課程 (2016、2015年度の例)

3910201  国際水産開発学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910202  国際動物資源学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910203  国際動物生産学特別実験
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910204  国際植物資源学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910205  国際植物材料学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910206  国際植物生産学特別実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
The objectives are to conduct researches of the doctor's level in the discipline of the Global Plant Production Science, to obtain new knowledge and insights with quality and originality and to complete doctoral thesis. 
■ 授業のキーワード

3910207  国際森林環境学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910208  新機能植物開発学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910209  地球生物環境学特別実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910210  国際環境経済学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910211  国際環境経済学特別研究
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910212  国際情報農学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910213  国際情報農学特別実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910214  農学国際特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910215  農学国際特別実験・研究
■ 授業の目標・概要

■ 授業のキーワード

3910216  農学国際実地研究 II
■ 授業の目標・概要
■ 授業のキーワード

3910217  環境政策特別講義
■ 授業の目標・概要
To acquire multiple viewpoints for tackling the problems of agriculture and environment against the reality at the local as well as global scales.
■ 授業のキーワード
climate change, irrigation, adaptation, social ecological systems, dietary transition, community forestry, food production

3910218  国際農業開発学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
To acquire enough knowledge and the analytical skills to write the PhD thesis. 
■ 授業のキーワード
PhD thesis, PhD research, Laboratory seminar

3910219  国際農業開発学特別実験
■ 授業の目標・概要
To conduct researches to write PhD thesis.
■ 授業のキーワード
PhD thesis, PhD research

■ 国際農業開発学コース(IPADS)修士課程 (2016、2015年度の例)

3910301  国際食料資源学
■ 授業の目標・概要
The soaring food prices in 2007-2008 caused serious social unrest due to food shortages in various parts of the world. Under the threatening concerns of climate change and the deterioration of the production basis, the sustainable and stable food supply is a globally important issue. The purposes of this course are to increase the understandings of the various problems related food production and to deepening the insight for the possible measures to them. 
■ 授業のキーワード
Food security, eveloping country, Diet transition, Population change

3910302  国際動物資源学特別演習
■ 授業の目標・概要
Learning GNSS(GPS) positioning theory and its accuracy through lecture and field excercises. A short lecture on theory of remote sensing and introduction on several research results of forest resource mapping will also be given.
■ 授業のキーワード
GNSS, GPS positioning method, remote sensing of forest resources

3910303  国際森林認証論
■ 授業の目標・概要
Forest certification has emerged since the 1990s as a market-based instrument for promoting sustainable forest management, and the area of certified forests worldwide accounts for 10.9% of the world’s forests. This course provides students with basic understanding of forest certification, which has been playing an influential role in the global forest management, forest governance and forest products markets.
■ 授業のキーワード
Certified forest products, Chain-of-custody certification, Forest governance, Forest management certification

3910304  森林昆虫生態学
■ 授業の目標・概要
Learning population & community ecology of forest insects, including forest pests, in relation to biological interactions. Problems related to climate change and invasive species will also be introduced.
■ 授業のキーワード
forest insects, pests, population outbreaks, biodiversity, invasive species, climate change

3910305  国際農業開発経済学
■ 授業の目標・概要
Designed for students specialised in agronomy and other areas of agricultural and ecological sciences, this subject covers various methods of program evaluation required to formulate effective agricultural development strategies. Materials are drawn from international multidisciplinary projects targeting the agricultural sector, including those the subject coordinators are presently working on.

While knowledge of economics or advanced mathematics is not a prerequisite, basic knowledge in statistics is advantageous. This subject is UNSUITABLE for students specialised in economics and other areas of social sciences, who should look for more mathematics-driven courses offered elsewhere to understand the formal theory of program evaluation.

This subject is part of the ZEF-IPADS joint coursework initiative between Center for Development Studies (ZEF), the University of Bonn, and International Program in Agricultural Development Studies (IPADS), the University of Tokyo. All lectures are broadcast live from Bonn, Germany.
■ 授業のキーワード
agricultural sciences, ecological sciences, agricultural economics, program evaluation

3910311  国際農業開発学研究
■ 授業の目標・概要
To conduct relevant researches under the supervison of IPADS faculty members (http://ipads.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/staff/index.html) belonging to the laboratory of the supervisor and write a MSc thesis.
■ 授業のキーワード
MSc thesis, MSc research

3910312  国際農業開発学特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
The students of IPADS and the Department of Global Agricultural Sciences have wide background acquired in their previous studies. For any measures tackling the agricultural development challenges, the basic understanding of the systems of the biological production and environment management required. This lecture aims to teach such minimum knowledge and understanding in the development context. Series of the lectures will be given and the group discussion to deepen the understanding is followed in each lecture. The active participation to the group learning process is welcome.
■ 授業のキーワード
Issue orientation, Transdisciplinarity, Global scope

3910313  国際農業開発学各論
■ 授業の目標・概要
- To learn how to formulate a project and write a project proposal through interdisciplinary group interview/researches and discussion.
- To develop communication skills for the interview as well as among the group members.
- To study the style of proposal writing and the approaches
■ 授業のキーワード
Project proposal writing, Interdisciplinary, Development

3910315  国際作物モデル学
■ 授業の目標・概要
Computer based crop simulation model is the tool to understand the effects of the environments and the biophysical processes relating to the plants growth and yield formation. The model can also be applied for the decision support of the farmers for choosing best agronomic practices. This lecture introduces APSIM, one of the most widely used crop growth models in the world, and offers practical guidance for its usages. The attending students can also acquire the experimental methodologies for the data collection which are necessary to drive the model.
■ 授業のキーワード
Simulation, Decision support system, Prediction, Crop growth, APSIM, Soil water balance

3910316  夏作物管理学
■ 授業の目標・概要
This is the field research practice for a typical summer crop (upland rice). This practice is closely linked with IPADS Crop Modeling (3910314) lecture on APSIM. All the research components which are required to run APSIM to simulate crop growth will be taught through on-hand field practice, including measurement of plant dry matter, leaf area, phenology, and yield. As for the environments, soil water content, soil retention characteristics, weather data, etc. The students can learn the necessary technologies to grow the crop and understand the growth process and how the environmental factors affect the process. Some NERICA varieties and South American varieties will also be included to increase the knowledge of world rice varieties.
■ 授業のキーワード
field practice, management, crop growth, upland rice, APSIM

3910317  冬作物管理学
■ 授業の目標・概要
"Practical Studies on Agroecosystems Management through the use of Crop Growth/Management Model and Field Experiment"

Background and purposes : Agriculture, forestry and fisheries are the human's interventions to the ecosystems to acquire food and other valuable products while maintaining various ecological functions. For the sustainable and proper management of the ecosystems, the effect of the various interventions should be quantitatively evaluated. And the mathematical models are the useful tools for this purpose. This subject teaches the basic knowledge of crop physiology and water/N absorption processes, in relation to the modules of a crop growth/management model, APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator).
As a part of this study, a series of field practices will be carried out in a wheat fertilizer experiment in the university field. This is the essential component of the subject, through which the students can understand various processes in the field, a real world.
■ 授業のキーワード
Modeling, Interdisciplinary, Management, APSIM, Environment monitoring, Field experiment

3910318  国際植物改良学
■ 授業の目標・概要
Plant improvement (breeding) is the key driving force of the agricultural development in the world. The useful crop cultivars with higher yielding traits and tolerance to various environmental stresses cannot be realized only through the gene introduction. The systematic methodologies such as targeting traits, gene identification and introducing, selection, and ultimately the seed system should be developed. These lectures, offered by two professors with wide experiences in international agricultural research centers will give the whole systemic view of plant improvement and prepare students for careers that require knowledge of plant genetics and crop breeding.  The rice was selected as an example due to its importance in Asia and other developing countries.
(1) Prof. Matthias WISSUWA
   1. Introduction : Classical breeding versus molecular breeding
   2. QTL and association mapping
   3. From mapping to genes and markers
   4. Marker Assisted Selection (MAS)
   5. Presentation by participants
   6. Group discussion and conclusion

(2) Prof. Ryoichi IKEDA
   1. Rice and rice cultivation
   2. Genetic resources of rice
   3. Rice breeding
   4. Rice in Africa and NERICA
   5. Seed multiplication of rice
   6. Present situation and future plan of rice breeding
■ 授業のキーワード
Breeding, Rice, QTL, Fine mapping, Marker assisted selection (MAS), Genetic diversity, Seed system, Stress tolerance, NERICA, Seed system

3910319  国際土壌肥沃度管理学
■ 授業の目標・概要
Plants require nutrients to grow and produce grains. But simply applying fertilizers cannot solve the problems in many tropical soils. This lecture gives insights into various issues related to the management of soil fertility for the crops and equip the students to understand, diagnose and remedy the nutrient-related problem to realize high and sustainable growth of the crops. 
■ 授業のキーワード
Nutrients, Soil acidity, Cropping systems, Biological nitrogen fixation, Mycorrhizae, Organic matter, Africa

3910320  国際農業統計学
■ 授業の目標・概要
In order to evaluate and understand observed data, proper statistical analyses are indispensable. Through this lecture, students will learn a wide range of statistical methods such as elementary statistics, several types of statistical tests, experimental designs, multivariate analysis and modern computational statistics, assuming their practical uses in agricultural studies. Considering beginners of statistics, the use of mathematical equations will be maximally avoided while teaching students the concepts of analyses. The students will also practice the methods that they have just learned by using a powerful but free statistical software package R (The R Project for Statistical Computing: http://www.r-project.org/) .
■ 授業のキーワード
Statistics, R, Agricultural data, Field experiments

3910321  国際農業開発学客員セミナー
■ 授業の目標・概要
To acquire multiple viewpoints for tackling the problems of agriculture and environment against the reality at the local as well as global scales.
■ 授業のキーワード
climate change, inventory, community forestry, food production, etc

3910322  国際作物モデル特論
■ 授業の目標・概要
Computer based crop growth/management model is a useful tool for the purposes such as (1) assisting the decision of the producers by predicting the yield under different environmental conditions and management, (2) giving conceptual framework for field experiment, and (3) increasing the through understanding of the crop physiology and soil processes.
  In this lecture, the various methodologies to apply the crop growth model to different experiments will be learned, ie., data entry, model calibration, validation, and sensitivity analysis.
■ 授業のキーワード
crop model, APSIM, evaluation of the model, ,decision support system

3910323  サスティナビリティと作物生産学
■ 授業の目標・概要
Based on the basic and advanced learning of diversity of rice ecosystem and challenges for rice production technology, learn and discuss relationship between food production and sustainable development, including participatory practice such as stakeholder analysis.
■ 授業のキーワード
rice, technology, sustainability, stress, crop production, agricultural ecosystem, green revolution, rainfed agriculture, climate change, resilience, drought resistance

3910325  国際農業開発学セミナー
■ 授業の目標・概要
<A1 & A2 2016/2017> All IPADS first-year MSc students should attend the interdisciplinary seminar series ("Friday seminars"), held at 10:00-12:00 at 7B-234 for these semesters.

<S1 2017 and onwards> Follow the seminar schedule of your own laboratory.
■ 授業のキーワード
Literature review, Presentation skills, Discussion skills

■ 国際農業開発学コース(IPADS)博士課程 (2016、2015年度の例)

3910401  国際農業開発学特別セミナー
■ 授業の目標・概要
To acquire the enough knowledge and analytical/discussion skills to write a PhD thesis. The content is typecally the literature review and the presentation of the research progress of the student. 
■ 授業のキーワード
PhD thesis, PhD research

3910402  国際農業開発学特別研究
■ 授業の目標・概要
To conduct relevant researches under the supervison of IPADS faculty members (http://ipads.a.u-tokyo.ac.jp/staff/index.html) belonging to the laboratory of the supervisor and write a PhD thesis.
■ 授業のキーワード
PhD thesis, PhD research

3910403  国際農業開発学実地研究
■ 授業の目標・概要
The student will conduct field studies and field works in abroad which is necessary for the PhD research under the guidance of the supervisors. (It is required that the students should go abroad for more than 14 days in total, A part of the trip can be for the presentation in the conference.)
■ 授業のキーワード
PhD thesis, Field work, International meeting
